Mom Delivers Baby Unassisted &1 Week Later The Placenta Is Still Attached

These days, many mothers use their placenta in many different ways… some even go so far as to make placenta smoothies. Now, there’s a new trend that’s gaining popularity, and that’s the lotus birth — or the practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut after childbirth so that the baby is left attached to the placenta until the cord naturally separates at the naval naturally.

This technique is controversial in that the separation between baby and cord can sometimes take days. Proponents of lotus births believe they ensure the newborn receives the maximum amount of blood in the cord, and thus all its beneficial nutrients.

In this video, “The Doctors” discuss the safety of the lotus birth method, and one mother in particular.

Adele, who had lotus births with her two kids and experienced no complications, said she wanted to go as natural as possible, foregoing assistance and giving birth without any outside intervention.

For nearly an entire week, both of Adele’s babies were attached to their placentas. She dealt with the smell by preparing a mixture of rock salt, essential oils and flower petals. Similar to curing meat, she says this prevent rotting.

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